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My Young Happy Minds Why- Tone Mari Bjøreng

Hi, I’m Tone Mari Bjøreng. In May 2016 I read about Young Happy Minds in a web-article by one of Norway’s leading newspapers. Before I made it through to the end of the article, I felt compelled to reach out to Martine Kveim (co-founder and fellow Norwegian). The mission Young Happy Minds is striving for is something that deeply resonated with me as I too have shared a similar mission in working with people of all ages for the past thirty years.

In working with people you come to do a lot of inner work yourself along the way and I loved how Young Happy Minds emphasised the importance of gaining a full understanding of oneself to be happy. Yet despite this continual process I’ve been on I was more than surprised when I came over to the UK in July 2016 to participate on Young Happy Mind’s first trainer the trainer programme. It was an intense four day course that allowed me to deepen my knowledge about positive psychology and engage in a variety of eye opening exercises, that also cemented my beliefs around the fact that it’s okay to be me and how I live my life is perfectly alright.

Young Happy Minds provides an amazing opportunity for young people, and in my case- adults too, to learn about one’s strengths and how giving attention to them can give you a beautiful balance in everyday life.

That is why I am proud to be part of this extraordinary family and I’m now hoping to help spread this mission throughout Norway :)

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